It’s been over a month and every day Molly still manages to surprise me. The fur is finally growing back and I know we will all feel better when the daily reminder of what she went through is covered over with a nice thick coat of fur. The crescent shaped scar is still so visible. I’m more used to it all than my husband is though. I’m with her more. He says it still breaks his heart when he looks at her sometimes.
He doesn’t get to watch the transformation like I do, and to see her do all the amazing things I never thought I would see again, like watching her dig holes. I watched as she dug a hole in the lawn so she could roll in it. With one front leg. Amazing … however, now there are four holes like the first one and each day she works on them, making them deeper and wider.
She can tear after a stick like she has six legs instead of three. I noticed she tilts her head when she runs and I suppose this is to give her better balance.
Picking her up is difficult and we had to relearn how to do it since she only really has one armpit. It was a little awkward at first but when she knows she is going to be picked up, she stands with her side to you so you can scoop her, instead of standing face on like she used to.
How amazing these creatures are that when faced with what to a human would be a life altering event, to them is just a little bump in the road to hop over.
so good to hear molly is doing well. we’ve been wondering… gayle’s hair grew back as ‘fuzz’, but that might be due to the chemo. she’s so beautiful…it doesn’t matter. just like molly!!
gayle & charon
Just getting caught up – not sure how I missed your other updates!
Happy that Molly is doing well. Oh and I agree – they are SOOO amazing! And digging holes in the yard with one front leg. They are unstoppable!
After seven months Catie still surprises me.
Have a great weekend and thank you for the update!